
The best way to connect an ICP wallet to your dApp.

Delight your users with instant sign-ups, streamlined sign-ins, zero pop-ups, and gas-less transactions from any compatible wallet provider with a single, straightforward, standard-conformed API.

npm install @nfid/identitykit@latest
View the docs

NFID 🤝 developers

IdentityKit offers a quick, easy, and highly customizable solution for developers to integrate an excellent wallet experience into their ICP application. We handle the complex tasks so developers and teams can concentrate on creating outstanding products and communities for their users.

Easy installation
Delegation toolkit
Light and dark mode
Featured wallet mode
Custom wallets list
ICRC-25 compliant

Made with ❤️ by your frens

Developing the ICP standards and IdentityKit has been a fun and collaborative effort involving many people at Internet Identity Labs, our frens at DFINITY, and the community. We're always striving to improve IdentityKit, so please let us know how we can enhance it or contribute to the public repo.

Inspired by RainbowKit. Designed for everyone. Built for developers.

See it live 🪄

Use the demo playground to see the ICRC standards and IdentityKit in action, and understand how to integrate the same UX into your dApps.

Explore the demo


The best way to connect an ICP wallet to your dApp.

Delight your users with instant sign-ups, streamlined sign-ins, zero pop-ups, and gas-less transactions from any compatible wallet provider with a single, straightforward, standard-conformed API.

npm install @nfid/identitykit@latest
View the docs

NFID 🤝 developers

IdentityKit offers a quick, easy, and highly customizable solution for developers to integrate an excellent wallet experience into their ICP application. We handle the complex tasks so developers and teams can concentrate on creating outstanding products and communities for their users.

Easy installation
Light and dark mode
Featured wallet mode
Custom wallets list
Custom connect button
ICRC-25 compliant

Made with ❤️ by your frens

Developing the ICP standards and IdentityKit has been a fun and collaborative effort involving many people at Internet Identity Labs, our frens at DFINITY, and the community. We're always striving to improve IdentityKit, so please let us know how we can enhance it or contribute to the public repo.

Inspired by RainbowKit. Designed for everyone. Built for developers.

See it live 🪄

Use the demo playground to see the ICRC standards and IdentityKit in action, and understand how to integrate the same UX into your dApps.

Explore the demo